• Apple Logic Pro X 10.5 released with Live Loops, new samplers and fresh beat creation tools [Computer Music]

  • The coronavirus reaches the Rohingya refugee camps [The Economist]

  • Leading Through Anxiety [Harvard Business Review]

  • Space Plane: Mysterious US military aircraft launches [BBC News]

  • The US government is getting ready to sue Google for monopolizing online ads [The Verge]

  • Read Obama’s inspiring commencement address to 2020’s high school graduates [Vox]

  • 3 views on the future of work, coffee shops and neighborhoods in a post-pandemic world [TechCrunch]

  • An AI algorithm inspired by how kids learn is harder to confuse [MIT Tech Review]

  • ‘Llamas are the real unicorns’: why they could be our secret weapon against coronavirus [The Guardian]

  • How to Let Your Children Be Upset - A series of children’s books can help start conversations about deeply uncomfortable subjects [The New York Times]

  • Grading the electoral college: C for chaos [The Washington Post]

  • Robert Pattinson: A Dispatch From Isolation [Gentlemen’s Quarterly]

Hi there! As much as I love treehugger mentality, I understand there are some factions who say to stop Productivity. But here’s the thing, if some people stopped manufacturing masks for our healthcare workers, how would they go to work? I know it’s tough to stay productive, but get into a routine. For me, it’s as simple as making that cup of coffee, loading up the laptop, and opening two windows, side by side. In one window, I have my website opened, and in the other, I am reading and curating my articles. And making new music podcasts of course!

Looking forward to the last two episodes of the Michael Jordan documentary!

Until next time!