currently writing


What’s up, everybody! Here are JETLAG RADIO 1225 & BENKYO RADIO 1225. The YouTube below has been censored. I will have to re-record it to discuss the main topic I wanted to talk about: my MEDEVAC experience multiple years ago, but remove the other content. I will do my best to record this soon, whenever I can. Thank you for your patience.

Until Next Time


currently writing


What’s up, everybody! Here are JETLAG RADIO 1224 & BENKYO RADIO 1224. Here is a YouTube video of me playing Gran Turismo 7, on the Playstation 5. Please listen to the audio, I’m talking. This video means a lot to me, as I have played GT for more than 25 years, ever since GT1, and now we’re at GT7. I’ve played this game for almost 3 decades, and I am still waiting to buy my first NEW vehicle. Please help me create this dream. Thank you.

Until Next Time!


currently writing


What’s up, everybody! Here are JETLAG RADIO 1203 & BENKYO RADIO 1203. On 02-23-2024, people like JOCKO talked about ego, and the importance of not looking at your phone and paying attention. People also refused to acknowledge that they needed my help. Guess what happened that day, EVERYBODY WAS WAITING FOR ME, and I was not there. Why? I said I needed a new German-Engineering vehicle. I politely asked for an used A6. Then they made me wait. Then I said, donate an A7. Then they made me wait some more. Then I said A8, since I love The Transporter. They made me wait again. Guess what, now I want either an RS6 Avant or a RS7. Enjoy always relying on me and not paying me, on 02-23-2024, everybody had to admit it, we need ZAKI/ZACK/IAMZAKI and we completely forgot to give him a paycheck or funding for his VENMO/PAYPAL/GOFUNDME so that he may purchase himself his first new vehicle, since he first drove a car at 16. He is now 40 years old, and despite his fantastic work, resume, and portfolio, for some reason people are using the excuse that he spent all his money on Coffee. Listen you stupid fucks, even if I spent money almost every day at Starbucks for 17 years, that’s $17K. I worked over 25 years and collected paychecks, and still couldn’t afford a car, due to costs in health insurance. I’ve spent the last 10 fucking years, since 2014, on my startup/podcasts/etc. I want my fucking car. You are all depending on me you say. You are all waiting on me you say. The longest you make me wait, the more the demand increases. You should be lucky I ask for an RS7 now. If you keep this up, I will ask for a fucking Bentley, since it is owned by VW.

Until Next Time!


Manchester United versus Newcastle [MANUTD]

Microsoft's AI Push Imperils Climate Goal As Carbon Emissions Jump 30% []

Trump's favorite words: Policy ideas he talks about most [AXIOS]

Google announces Android theft protection features, like Theft Detection Lock, which detects motion indicating theft, and Private Space, to hide sensitive data [TechMeme]

Donald Trump's Boeing plane hit another plane [Quartz]

Biden’s surprise proposal to debate Trump early, explained [Vox]

Google I/O 2024: all the news from the developer conference [The Verge]

Inside the fight to ban — and destroy — PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ [TheNextWeb]

Salad Size Me [Eater]

Hire a Teenager This Summer and Get a Tax Break. Businesses still feeling the pinch of inflation can save money by adding young people to their seasonal payrolls. [Inc.]

Apple still isn’t done building its dream iPad [Fast Company]

The World Thinks Japan is so Polite, I Disagree [Medium]

We All Have One Personality Trait That Defines Our Future. Google's Chief Innovation Evangelist Shares How to Identify Yours. [Entrepreneur]

I Went Undercover as a Secret OnlyFans Chatter. It Wasn’t Pretty - Your online influencer girlfriend is actually a rotating cast of low-wage workers. I became one of them. [WIRED]

MacBreak Weekly 921 [TWIT]

100 things we announed at I/O 2024 [Google Blog]

Advancing medical AI with Med-Gemini [Google Research]

Lonespeech [Poetry Foundation]

Sand and sky [Astronomy Magazine]

Improved Forecast Accuracy with AI-Powered Automated Outlier Correction | SAP IBP 2405 [SAP] #SAP #IwantToWorkAtSAP

What’s up, everybody! Here are JETLAG RADIO 1177 & BENKYO RADIO 1177. I am really looking forward wearing my Dame 8 EXTPLY in Highlights. Unfortunately, someone was gossiping and told me they look like clown shoes. I was very hurt. It’s not my fault I have big feet. Ask women, they usually like a man with big feet. Anyway, Hope you guys are doing well, and big shout out to Dame Lilliard, I know that they benched you in Indiana, because of blackmail, and since they were gambling due to match-fixing, every gambler in Indiana is fucked. There will be an investigation, by INTERPOL SPORT. Especially the stupid woman in Indiana who wouldn’t stop WOOing while the NBA commentators were trying to talk.

Until Next Time!


God™: an ageing product outperforms expectations [The Economist]

The Polish president’s last stand against liberalism [1843 Magazine]

Research: What Companies Don’t Know About How Workers Use AI [Harvard Business Review]

Stevie on the Wonder of becoming a Ghanaian citizen [BBC News]

INTEL INSIDE OHIO. The struggling chipmaker is attempting a comeback with massive spending on new factories and lots of help from the Biden administration. [Bloomberg] everybody stay calm, still didn’t get my paychecks, or new paychecks, but I have a new #Windows11 #IntelQuantum #IntelGaming #IntelFoundry machine, we got a lot of work to do (in Ohio) #GoBucks

Trump blasts his trial judges. Then his fans call for violence. [Reuters]

Israel’s war on Gaza live: New Nakba as hundreds of thousands flee attacks [AL-Jazeera News]

The View From Palestinian America [The New Yorker]

Google is redesigning its search engine — and it’s AI all the way down / From ‘AI Overviews’ to automatic categorization, Google is bringing AI to practically every part of the search process. [The Verge]

You might have another chance to see the northern lights tonight [Vox] awesome. we were on high alert the other night, I was on stand-by. I have to see this thing tonight.

Project IDX, Google’s next-gen IDE, is now in open beta [TechCrunch]

Google’s Astra is its first AI-for-everything agent [MIT Technology Review]

Google search will never be the same [Business Insider]

Brand new track: Elevate your machine learning skills to production level. 🚀

Designed for aspiring data scientists and machine learning engineers, this interactive track is a streamlined pathway to mastering the deployment and maintenance of machine learning models.

After the fundamentals of MLOps, you'll dive into MLflow before applying your new skills in a hands-on project; 'Predicting Temperature in London'.

Upon completion, you'll be proficient in deploying, monitoring, and managing machine learning models, preparing you to successfully implement ML applications in any association. ⚡️

Start learning for free 👉

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👏 Instructors: Folkert Stijnman, Weston Bassler, 🥸Hakim Elakhrass, Maciej Balawejder, and Ravi Bhadauria. [LinkedIn] #DataCamp


What’s up, everybody! Here are JETLAG RADIO 1176 & BENKYO RADIO 1176. What a horrific turn of events in the Palestinian Territories, where the Gaza strip has been demolished (G=Google AZ=Alphabet A=America) and the West Bank (The West, Bank of United States = #MilitaryIndustrialComplex) where over 75 years of oppression due to the Zionist Regime in Israel. It took almost a century for the Planet to realize that the Palestinian People were suffering. So much. So much pain. So much destruction. Thankfully, CODEPINK, an organization of women, wearing pink, inside the United States, have been working tirelessly for the past couple of decades on this issue, raising awareness, telling people, speaking to congressmen, senators, governors, presidents, vice presidents, the United Nations, other organizations. These women placed themselves at risk, even getting arrested, trying their best, to shed light on such an important problem in our world. Even The IMEU, who has a limit budget, has tried this as well, with no fanfare, until some talented Palestinian Musicians started to make incredible music that has reverberated around the globe. Throughout the World, millions if not almost billions of people are walking the streets, demanding for a #GazaCeasefire, an end to the #GazaGenocide, a #TwoStateSolution, and the end of the occupation. This is because the entire Planet had a green hue, Aurora Borealis because of a Jedi master, Grogu himself, related to Grand Master Yoda. As you know, Yoda is very wise, with over 800 years of experience. So is Grogu, but “the child” is so young, someone else is collecting the bounty, and essentially his paycheck. As he grows older, he starts to realize he is very much upset, why? Because everybody is taking advantage of him. He got pissed, he got mad, so he showed us all his true power, The whole planet turned green and he said, shut the fuck up, stop fighting, and let’s listen to some music, preferably Electronic Dance Music, as the world is waiting...a Global Rave. America finally understand, the Illuminatis are real, they are the Zionist IsraeliIlluminatis. What does all those IIII look like? The Twin Towers of WTC, of course, MOSSAD was involved in 9/11, it was proven, but deem too dangerous for the public, therefore it was classified until the year 2050s. Sadly, #MOSSADdid911again, when they performed a genocide in Gaza. This is the last straw. Netanyahu had too much power, he must go the Hague in handcuffs, facing life in prison or the death penalty, and every police officers at INTERPOL has remorse, they should have arrested him for corruption long before this human disaster took place. State Department staff are extremely displeased and unattentive, and that’s because they were waiting for a special “212” conference call, and a very long cable for me to write, it’s definitely coming, but I suggest you immediately remove the Social Media Manager from @StateDept on Twitter, who tweeted the stupid thing at the beginning of the month, the month of May, my birthday, because during the month of May a few years ago, I got a Project Management certificate, and guess what Israel did that month? They bombarded Palestinians. It was a warning. Even then, Macron was for a Two State Solution. Even then, Biden was for Two State Solution, but still had Zion up his ass. Needless to say, code secure, I have a special laptop to write my notes to share with both the State Dept and France Diplo. The entire EU is in agreement. The entire Arab League is in agreement. Africa is in agreement. Asia is in agreement. Even the Russians are in agreement. Everybody in the world wants Netanyahu gone, except for a few people in the U.S. Govt, why? Because Israel likes to blackmail goverment officials from America back in Israel, and film porn tapes of them with children or prostitutes, and use them as blackmail, not realizing that Israel is filled with pedophiles…from where? America. Don’t ask me to flex because when I flex, I flex. At the request of the U.S. Air Force, I will advise on the situation to calm everything down, and immediately tell Netanyahu, you will resign as soon as possible before you perform more bloodshed to over 6 countries: Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, who knows what else.

Until Next Time!